Grass uses up soil nutrients, so regular fertilization is essential. Your local lawn service can take accurate soil samples and apply the recommended amount of lime to restore balance, so grasses can better access available nutrients.


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One of the most basic lawn care tasks, mowing, involves regularly cutting grass to a height that’s healthy for the type and growing conditions of your yard. Professionals know how to sharpen mower blades for a clean cut, and they adjust the frequency of mowing to seasonal variations in growth patterns.

The best lawn care companies use organic fertilizer and weed control treatments, which are safer for pets and children than their chemical counterparts. Using natural solutions also improves soil health and reduces runoff that pollutes local waterways.

Watering is another crucial aspect of a healthy lawn, and professionals know how to optimize sprinkler systems to promote deep root growth and avoid issues like fungus and brown spots. They also monitor weather conditions and nutrient levels to identify any potential problems.

Aerating your yard helps loosen up thatch, allowing water and nutrients to reach the lower sections of the soil. Many lawn care services offer aeration, often in combination with overseeding and fertilization.

Weed control includes removing established weeds and preventing their return with a pre-emergent herbicide. Some companies offer targeted spot treatment for weeds like crabgrass and dandelions, while others apply a granular or liquid pre-emergent product to prevent future growth.

Lawn care experts also look beyond the surface of your grass, identifying pest infestations and nutrient deficiencies that can lead to long-term damage. They may suggest adding lime to balance the pH of the soil and ensure the proper microbial population is present.

Most lawn diseases are caused by fungi, and fungicide applications can help protect your grass from these harmful organisms. Fungicides should be applied only when necessary, and experienced lawn care providers can help you decide if a fungicide treatment is appropriate.


A healthy lawn needs to be watered, but over-watering can damage grass, increase your water bill, and promote fungus development. The amount of water a lawn needs can vary, depending on the climate and soil type. Watering deeply and less frequently leads to stronger root development and drought resistance than shallow, frequent watering.

A sprinkler system that distributes moisture evenly is essential for a well-watered lawn. Lawn care professionals are trained to use this technology to ensure that each yard is receiving the right amount of moisture. They are also knowledgeable of when to irrigate and can help you create an effective schedule for your property.

Regular lawn maintenance prevents problems like weeds and nutrient deficiencies from becoming serious. Many weed control services provide sprays or herbicides that can kill weeds without harming grass. However, these chemicals may not be the best choice for your lawn, so look for companies that offer natural or organic options.

When it comes to fertilizing, it’s important to find a company that uses slow-release products. These types of fertilizers won’t leach nutrients into groundwater and will help your lawn grow strong and healthy.

Seeding and overseeding are additional ways to improve your lawn’s health. These processes add new grass seed to patchy or bare areas, which can encourage grass growth and make your yard more appealing. Lawn specialists can help you select the best seeds for your yard and spread them properly.


A well-fed lawn is healthier and more resilient against pests, disease and extreme weather. Feeding your lawn four times a year with a quality fertilizer is one of the best ways to keep it lush and green. It also helps to prevent weeds from infiltrating your turf.

Fertilizers are available in granular and liquid forms and can be applied using a lawn spreader or hose-end sprayer. Choose a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content if you have cool-season grass, and a fertilizer with low or no nitrogen if you have warm-season grass. Alternatively, choose a fertilizer with a mix of fast and slow-release nutrients to provide the right balance for your lawn.

Before applying a lawn fertilizer, you should test the soil to determine its nutrient composition. A soil test is simple and can be done at home, or some home and garden centers will perform the test for you. If you are unsure about which lawn fertilizer to purchase, most home and garden centers will let you sample different types of fertilizers for free.

The best time of day to apply lawn fertilizer is in the early morning, when the dew has dried and before it gets too hot. It is also important to water the lawn immediately after applying fertilizer to flush away any excess.

Taking care of your lawn is not a quick or easy task, but it’s essential to keep it healthy and weed-free. If you have other things on your to-do list, like acing at work or caring for kids and pets, consider hiring a professional lawn care service. They can take on the arduous tasks of lawn care and help you achieve your dream backyard.


Weeds are unwanted plants that compete with grass for water, nutrients and sunlight. They are usually fast-growing and spread by seed or creeping stems, which can quickly fill in bare spots in a lawn. Hand weeding is usually the first step for weed control, followed by spot treatment with a nonselective herbicide. If weeds become too problematic, some gardeners turn to full-scale weed control programs. However, it is important to consider the ecological impact of removing these plants — if done properly, many of these weeds, such as clover and dandelion, produce pretty flowers that attract pollinators.

If you choose to use a chemical weed control, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take steps to protect children and pets from exposure. It is also a good idea to avoid using any chemicals in the spring and fall, when weeds are most likely to be active.

Regular mowing, fertilization and weed control can help your lawn look healthy and lush, but it takes more to truly thrive. Additional lawn care services include dethatching, aerating, soil testing and disease management. These services loosen up the soil, making it easier for water and nutrients to reach the grass and help it fight off diseases. Aerating involves poking tiny holes in the soil, which improves drainage and allows air and nutrients to circulate more easily in the grass and soil. Seeding and overseeding add grass seed to bare patches in the lawn to create more uniform coverage. Soil testing lets you know whether the soil has the proper balance of nutrients for a healthy lawn. And disease management includes treating lawns for common diseases such as crabgrass, dollarweed, and fungus.


Aeration breaks up soil compaction and enables oxygen, water and nutrients to penetrate grass roots. It is an essential treatment for many lawns. It’s especially helpful if you live in an area with hard, compacted clay-like soil, if your yard is a sports field or playground, or if children and pets play on the grass.

Lawns that aren’t aerated are starved of the air and water needed for healthy growth. They struggle to survive and are susceptible to disease. To aerate your yard, you can rent an aerator machine that pokes holes in the ground or use a garden fork to create small plugs of dirt. However, it is best to hire a professional lawn care service to aerate your yard.

Your local lawn care experts can also offer fertilization, weed control and soil health services to enhance the overall quality of your yard. They may test your soil pH and apply lime treatments to ensure your lawn is receiving the proper nutrients. They can also apply preventative fungicide treatments to keep diseases like grubs and leaf spot at bay.

In addition to aerating, lawn care specialists may provide seeding and overseeding services to fill in sparse or bare areas of your yard. Grass seeds grow better in soil that has been recently aerated, because the soil holes allow for good seed-to-soil contact. They can also apply granular or liquid fertilizers to your lawn. This helps grass plants grow more vigorously and thicker. It also improves the appearance of your property and increases curb appeal. It can also help reduce rainwater runoff, which can pollute aquatic ecosystems. This is because permeable soil encourages stormwater to soak into the ground rather than rushing into waterways and contaminating them.